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Sábado - 20.Abril.2024
Estás en: Andrés Moreno

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Route 7. A stroll around Santa Eulalias´countryside

Andrés Moreno

To discover spectacular mountain views in Ibiza can only be done by riding a mountain bike.
For those who want to enjoy a less strenuous activity I propose a stroll in the countryside walking, horseback riding, with a bike or an e-bike.
I recently took a trip following Route 7, traveling the country side around Santa Eulalia. A blessing experience.
It is quiet, almost flat and easy to do. It runs through back and narrow asphalt roads with very little traffic, red fields and whitewashed houses and forest areas.

In the middle of the road a very pleasant surprise: Cas Campaner.

Stopping at Cas Campaner is like stopping time.
The local store is a great place for supplies and refreshment. Peaceful and friendly and warm welcome is assured. I recommend making a stop on the way.

We left at noon to enjoy the afternoon sun.  The Klever Mobility bikes translated this 18 km route into a walk around the block. The terrain is flat, and the asphalt is not everywhere in perfect condition, but the suspension works well.
There are 12 routes around the municipality of Santa Eulalia del Rio.  
Click the kink above to see a very interesting description of all of them and more info.
It is a suitable route for people of all levels with or without e-bikes.


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