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Miércoles - 04.Diciembre.2024
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Ai Carai Music Festival and the e-bike industry united for a good cause

Andrés Moreno
  • More than 150 artists from different regions around the world. de diferentes partes del mundo residentes en la isla.
  • 9 stages
  • Perfect organization
  • Help moving around for the organization.La Cicloteca,Klever MobilityyKreidler Ibérica al rescate.

One of the best music festivals I have been. Pardon ... The best.

Ibiza has something, great weather and friendly people invites you to stay. Consider yourself hooked to the island. Creativity is simply needed. A great group of artists live on the island permanently. They have made the island their home. What a great deal for locals and visitors.

Ai Carai will be again the meeting point for everyone on the island. The music promises to be formidable. Musicians with good vibes. Visitors will enjoy a truly amazing atmosphere. Suitable for dance, talk, have a drink, lunch or dinner, buy from the stands or even leave their children in the hands of entertainers who will organize activities in the central park of San Carlos.

Ai Carai´s organization team surprised last year with a festival full of people, but without conflicts.

With the help of local police and Guardia Civil, the traffic will be directed from the early hours of the afternoon. And to help the team of Ai Carai, La Cicloteca,Klever MobilityyKreidler Ibérica yield a pair of electric bicycles.

We look forward to the first note played, the rest ... a music adventure, good vibes and the desire to celebrate life.

Important note for cyclists and drivers.


  •      Try to arrive early or prepare to find nearby parking lots filled quickly.
  •      To avoid queues come also early. The first bands are great.
  •      To rent an electric bike and not have to park away from the event

     call 636 636 617
     or send mail to:lacicloteca@gmail.com


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