Every last Friday of the month the critical mass is organized in many cities around the world. The purpose is to reveal the number of people cycling. Implying that we are not just a few.
We were in Ibiza in May. The theme this time: Flower Power.
Costumes, wigs, big glasses, looking forward to have fun on top of many different types of bicycles. The meeting was in the famous Plaza de Vara del Rey,
The rest, dancing on the bike and get noticed.
Ah !!, and a tricycle with a big stereo sound system on front, leading the way of cyclists.
Tourists and locals greeted us and danced to the music. What a better way to get noticed than having fun?
I went with a B25 fromKlever Mobility. The pace was slow so I did not need the engine.
Below is a video of the march. Enjoy the music and .... if you can ... Take part in the next Critical Mass wherever you are the last Friday of the month. Check with your municipality. Make them notice you cycle and you want a peaceful traffic. Respect all those who share the road with you ...but make yourself notice.
Thanks to all participants and to theCicloteca shop that is becoming an emblematic point in Ibiza for all cyclists and for its open-mindedness and honest work towards society.
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