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Sábado - 18.Enero.2025
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Klever Mobility explores the tourism industry in Ibiza with Kandani and vehiculosverdes.com

Andrés Moreno

The company Klever Mobility yields ebikes to Andrés Moreno, event organizer and editor of vehiculosverdes.com with the intention of exploring the intricacies of the holiday rental market.
The bikes will be rent in Ibiza, specifically in Kandani.

Kandani has a perfect infrastructure to conduct a thorough study: Twenty years of continuous and successful work, deep knowledge of the island, a team of experienced mechanics and guides who speak different languages, a kind and efficient direction and two well  positioned shops in the town of Santa Eulalia del Rio, one of which will be used to do rental services including the models from Klever Mobility. Kandani also rents mountain, trekking and conventional city bikes of different qualities. The models S25 and B25 have been chosen.

Model S25

Model B25

Contrary to common belief, Ibiza is not only beautiful beaches with fine sand, small coves with crystal clear water surrounded by cliffs, but its inner winding roads disclose a devastatingly beautiful landscape, with whitewashed houses, Mediterranean forests where large trees proliferate as pines and junipers next to wild landscape full of shrubs and herbs like thyme and rosemary, red crop lands and many rural dirt roads to explore with a mountain bike.

This beauty is just what attracts more and more visitors who dare to rent a bike at Kandani to explore this island full of paradisiacal hideouts.
However, not all tourists can explore the island by bicycle, as Ibiza is an island full of mountains small but with some pretty steep slopes. In fact it is one of the places chosen by some elite cyclists to train in winter.
We must take into account the wind that sometimes strikes the island and can discourage many into taking a bike and pedal uphill and downhill on hot summer days.

Es Vedrá

View of Es Vedrá

What a better solution then than to offer electric bikes for anyone to enjoy the interior charm of the island, certainly well supplied with restaurants and inns where one can stop to eat a plate of local cuisine at a great price after a tour, or to cool off with a refreshing juice under the shade of a fig tree.

Medium in size, about 40 miles long by 15 wide, Ibiza is located about 80 km east of Denia (Spain) and another 80 kilometers south of Mallorca, that is, quite far from the Strait of Gibraltar which makes the surrounding waters warm in summer and not too cold in winter, a fact that greatly influences its more than pleasant weather, especially from early March until late November. A good reason to visit the island in low season, in which a simple conversation with local people is a gift to add to our memories.

Klever B25 and old Bultaco motorcycle

Vehiculosverdes.com will be all summer on the island collaborating with Kandani and Klever Mobility, studying the level of acceptance of electric bikes by visitors to the island, analyzing the possible structural problems to solve, helping to create special tours that combine moderate exercise with stops at points of special interest such as beaches, restaurants and cultural events, and offering its web and network to inform the Europeans bicycle and tourism industries certainly burned with the sun and beach concept, and so promoting the influx of new visitors eager to move floating over this Magic Island also called The White Island.

Both the direction of Klever Mobility as Kandani are very excited about the project. Each week Vehiculosverdes.com will published two articles related to this program, to show the nature of Ibiza, its people and interesting data about our program.

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