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Martes - 08.Octubre.2024

rent a pedelec on ibiza

An electric bike is not to win a race on Ibiza

  If you take part on a race and you install an engine on your bike, this is of course called cheating. But to move around the island on an electric bike is a wonderful experience and no cheati...

Critical Mass. Ibicicritica

Every last Friday of the month the critical mass is organized in many cities around the world. The purpose is to reveal the number of people cycling. Implying that we are not just a few.
We were in I...

Ai Carai Music Festival and the e-bike industry united for a good cause

More than 150 artists from different regions around the world. de diferentes partes del mundo residentes en la isla. 9 stages Perfect organization Help moving around for the organization.La Cicl...
gasolineras biodiesel

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